
the clown is here


Sunday, 9 March 2014



a shock news. no one expect that to happen. no one wish that to happen though. but when Allah said, "Kun Fayakun". jadi maka jadi lah ia. takda sapa yang boleh menidakkan. takda sapa yang boleh menghalang. semua dibawah kuasaNya. Dia lah Yang Maha Kuasa.

keep on praying. keep on dua. 
never underestimate the power of dua, the most powerful weapon of Muslims. it is not the last option we can choose. it is the most powerful option that we had as a Muslim. so keep on praying to Allah. Dia yang Maha Mendengar. Yang Maha Pengasih. Yang Maha Penyayang.

this tragedy is not anyone's tragedy. it's a world tragedy. everyone involve. so nobody can make fun of others absolutely. it's not a joke, it's a tragedy. those jokes do not fit this situation right now. just imagine u are the one who in the flight. or your beloved one is there in the flight. do respect. 

kepadaNya kita beriman, dan kepadaNya kita meminta pertolongan.
Berdoalah padaNya, nescaya dia akan kabulkan doa kita. 


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