
the clown is here


Monday, 30 January 2017

Coffee Lover


Who's here a coffee lover like me put your hands up!

Hot white coffee

Yeah I'm a very hardcore fan of coffee. Siapa pernah duduk atau kenal aku, memang confirm 100% boleh detect aku sangat2 lah addicted to coffee. Sehari mesti dapat at least a cup. Kalau tak, boleh senoneng kepala wo. Haha. 

Tak kisah apa jenis coffee pun, memang aku suka. Latte, white coffee, black coffee, cappuccino, mocha, eh name it lah, semua aku minum. And now my new addiction is on hazelnut white coffee. Oh the smell, sooooo nice.

Dan aku faham yang tak semua suka coffee ni. Lagi2 bau dia. Aku ibaratkan coffee macam rokok. Some people can get addicted to it, while some might hate it. Pernah aku dapat roommate/kawan yang tak boleh bau coffee langsung, just like some people cannot smell smokes from a cigarette. Dan tu lah masalahnya. Kena cuba minum sembunyi2 atau larikan diri minum tempat lain. To respect those yang tak boleh bau coffee.

Aku pulak asal bau coffee je memang heaven. Kat shopping mall ke kalau terbau coffee, boleh tercari2 bau tu. Janganlah bayangkan aku hidung ke depan then jalan mencari bau tu. Aku cool lagi lah. Haha.

Me and my  beloved coffee.

But anything needs to be controlled. I realized that it's not good for me to keep caffeine level so high in my body. I need to control it. But quite hard and uncontrollable sometimes. Haha. Lagi2 dah kerja, boleh sampai 3 cups a day aku teguk tau tak! So scary tapi nanti tak minum boleh jadi ngantuk gila time drive apa semua. And sometimes tu minum bukan sebab ngantuk pun. Sebab happy, sebab stress, sebab lapar, semua pun boleh jadi penyebab aku minum coffee. And it's not good I know.

So here I decided to change this habit. I have to reduce my coffee intake. And now maybe only once a week. Or maybe 2 times a week. Eh how about 1 cup a day? Still okay right? Hehe.

It's so hard but I have to try. And still trying. Just so you know, I surprisingly manage to control it. Mindset kot. Maybe tak lah cut off terus. Tapi better than before. So that's a transformation of me in 2016. So maybe 2017 will be better me without my coffee. Perhaps. I hope so.

-Coffee lover 

Sunday, 29 January 2017



Semua orang ada best friend, I guess. Macam aku, aku adalah seorang yang sangat tak ramai kawan. Haha. Macam ada takda je. Sebab masa aku banyak habis dengan family. Even time belajar pun dok sibuk balik rumah. Dan dari situ dah boleh agaklah, bila masanya aku nak bersosial dengan kengkawan. Jadinya, orang mungkin akan annoying lebih dengan orang macam aku. Sikit2 family kan.

Tapi takdalah takda kawan langsung. In fact, aku ada ramai kawan yang baik. Yang sentiasa tolong aku susah senang. Lepak bila ada masa. Borak bila boring. Semuanya ada. Masa belajar lagi lah. Berderet yang selalu tolong aku. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan urusan dan diberikan balasan baik yang lebih baik daripada apa yang diorang bagi pada aku. Murahkan rezeki semuanya. Ameen..

Tapi macam aku pernah cakap kat sini, aku sekarang lebih memilih. We have the right to choose kan? So why not we choose? Pilih apa? Pilihlah kawan2 yang baik. Yang tau susah kau, dan masih stay untuk membantu dan bagi semangat. Yang boleh dengar kau nangis dan dia pun sama2 nangis, tapi lepas tu buat lawak bodoh sebab nak bagi kau happy balik. Haha.

Sebab bila dah dewasa ni (ehem), we will appreciate quality more than quantity. What purpose to keep a friend yang kau tau dia jenis kaki kutuk member, depan cakap lain, belakang cakap lain ye dak? Kau akan tersedar yang, kalau dengan kau dia boleh cakap buruk pasal kawan dia yang depan2 dia macam nice kawan baik je, kenapa tidak dia kutuk kau jugak dengan kawan dia itu. Ha. Faham ke ayat aku ni? Jap aku reorganize balik ayat tu bagi tersusun. Ok dah. Haha. Sama jugak situasi bila kawan yang ada tu hanya untuk bergembira je. Bila susah tak muncul tiba. Ibarat menunggu kucing bertelur. Haha. I know it's quite cliche tapi tu lah hakikatnya.

So you got to choose sayang sayang ku (gaya Dato Sri Vida please)

And as for me, I found one. I hope she's the one. Kalau bukan jugak, tak tahu lah nak kata apa. Haha.

Her name is Nur Azura Binti Ithnin. Hmm bagi lah full name terus. Kot ada yang baca ni lelaki, berkenan pulak tu. Boleh siap2 praktis ehem. Haha.

Oh ye dia single. Hatinya keras untuk dicintai. Namun, insan yang berani mampu mencairkannya. Ibarat kerak nasi, lama2 lembut jua. (Fynn Jamal kot gini, ke tak?)

Entah apa entah dia ni baik sangat dengan aku. Dia tak dapat apa pun. Tapi baiknya macam lah aku ada harta nanti kalau mati boleh wasiatkan atas nama dia. Haha. Everytime tanya dia kenapa baik sangat dengan aku, dia mesti jawab sebab aku pun baik dengan dia. Macam tu jugak bila dia tanya aku soalan yang sama. Last2 dua2 jadi baik. Eh senangnya dunia ni. Takda pancaroba langsung kalau semua orang macam kitorang.

Kitorang kenal sejak Form 2. Form 1 aku sekolah lain, which in fact sekolah yang sama dengan dia jugak. Tapi time tu tak kenal pun. Lepas dua2 pindah sekolah yang baru, barulah kitorang berkenalan. Tak silap first sekali jumpa bila aku nak pergi kelas dan dia yang tolong tunjukkan jalan. Padahal kelas yang sama. Ceh

Matrik pun kitorang matrik yang sama. Kolej Matrikulasi Johor (KMJ). Zaman ni lah paling banyak kacau dia. Sibuk2 datang bilik dia. Kacau dia buat assignment atas katil dia tu. Gelakkan orang lain macam apa. Dah macam jadi roommate tambahan dia pulak. Pulak tu kitorang memang duduk satu level je, blok yang sama. Bilik dia jauh berapa langkah je dari bilik aku. Haha. So memang laju jela kaki ni singgah bilik dia. Nak pergi toilet akan lalu bilik dia. So sempat singgah dulu sebelum pergi toilet. Kadang sampai lupa nak buat apa pergi toilet tadi. Haha.

Bila masuk uni, kitorang dapat uni yang berbeza. Dia UTEM, aku UTM. Dia masih setia dengan bidang dia, dan aku pulak dah terpesong ke bidang akaun pulak. Tapi semua tu tak memutuskan hubungan kitorang. Setiap kali cuti akan ada masa2 kitorang jumpa dan spend time together. Share semua benda dan surprisingly boleh je relate dengan masing2 punya cerita. Padahal uni lain2. Tak kenal dan tak faham apa yang masing2 cuba cerita. Tapi macam dapat rasa je.

Awal2 belajar aku guna handphone cabuk je. Takda watsapp apa bagai. Bila dah dapat handphone baru yang ada watsapp, barulah dapat berhubung dengan lebih rancak lagi. Rancak cemana tu biarlah rahsia. Mostly ke arah benda yang tak baik (i.e. kutuk member). Haha. Jangan lah contohi persahabatan kitorang ni. Hmm

Dan sekarang dia dah jadi engineer yang berjaya. Aku sangat bangga dengan dia. Serius lah macam kagum apesal dia boleh survive eh jadi engineer. Serius gagah perkasa awek ni (Up member lagi nampakkk). Haha. Alhamdulillah dua2 kerja kat Johor. So weekend ke apa memang menyempat je nak jumpa, lepak dan sebagainya. Haha.

Harap persahabatan ni kekal sampai bila2. Esok kalau dah kahwin pun harap masih dapat jugak lepak selalu macam sekarang (Harap Faiz baca yang ni banyak kali). Haha. Harap Zura dapat jodoh dengan kawan2 Faiz jugak so dapat lepak sekali. Muahaha. Dan harap kalau dah ada anak dapat dijodohkan supaya kita berbesan. Tu pun kalau anak tak pesen memberontak tak suka dengan pilihan keluarga. Haha.

Ok esok kalau dah ada cucu, akan diperkenalkan Nenek Zura ni pada diorang.
"Cu, nenek Zura ni lah yang dulu banyak tolong nenek. Dia bagi pinjam duit masa nenek takda duit masa study. Esok kau jangan lupa bayar balik hutang2 nenek kat dia ye cuuu... Uhuk uhuk."

Saya akhiri post kali ni dengan...

Azuuuuraaaaa, ada sinaaarrrr di mataaaa muuuu..

Aktiviti cuti sekolah



Amboi amboi. Mementang cuti sekolah bukan main lama. Terus up cadangan aktiviti cuti sekolah. Padahal dah berzaman tingalkan dunia persekolahan. Muahaha.

Just a suggestion. Tapi tak sesuai untuk semua lah. Mungkin sesetengah je sebab zaman sekarang kan dah berubah. *rolling eyes*

So the suggestion is..

Eh apeni? Belum apa2 dah kena cili. Haha.

Takda. Apa kata cuti2 ni kita semua berkebun (i.e. Pergi ke kebun pun boleh). Haha. Bila kerja ke sekolah ke mana ada masa kan? Banyak alasan nanti penat lah sibuk lah, ha lagi apa alasan nak bagi. So bila cuti ni, salah satu aktiviti yang no cost dan paling jimat adalah berkebun, kutip sayur segala bagai. Nak lagi jimat? Pergi berkebun kat kebun orang. Macam kes aku. Haha.

Setiap kali balik kampung (bukan masa cuti je), memang mak suka sangat2 pergi kutip sayur lah, petik cili lah, kutip segala pucuk yang ada, buah lagi. Haih memang meriah kalau kat kampung. Kalau rajin aku tolong lah sekali. Kalau tak, hmmm tolong doakan hasil mak banyak jela nak bawak balik rumah nanti. Haha.

Hasil doa aku, nampaknya cili tu membiak dalam bakul tu. Haha.

Best pergi kebun kat kampung ni. Lagi best lepas hujan. Sejukkk. Nyaman je nak kutip sayur. Setiap kali balik kampung ada je sayur mak dapat. Murah rezeki makcik aku. Macam2 dia bagi. Macam2 kitorang ambik.

Dan salah satu kelebihannya adalah kita dapat mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama insan. Ayat karangan tau. Kan selalu time sekolah dulu naik je cuti dapat kerja sekolah wajib, karangan bertajuk "Aktiviti cuti sekolah saya". Ha apa lagi ni lah masanya curi idea. Haha.

Time ni lah segala sedara mara nak turun sekali. Jengah kawasan. Sambil tu borak kisah2 lama. Nostalgia okay. Best je dengar bila mak dengan makcik aku cerita kisah dorang dulu. Macam mana dorang dulu hidup adik beradik ramai, makan pakai apa ada je. Sekarang aku tengok adik aku lebih sikit je dah merajuk. Dasar. Haha.

Okay sambung

Mak yang tengah sembelih serai gemuk. Haha.

Serai  kat kampung tanam sendiri memang gemuk2 okay. Tak macam beli kat supermarket ke apa. Kurus je. Macam belum cukup umur. Haha. Mungkin nak cepat jual ke apa kan. Eh yang ni aku main cakap je. Jangan terpedaya pulak dengan kata2 aku. Aku mana tau serai cukup umur macam mana. Haha.

Dan beranak lagi. Limau dan serai. Haha. Baku besar boleh isi macam2. Selagi nampak depan mata, selagi tu penuhkan bakul.

Korang tau ke ni apa? It's black pepper yawww

Macam2 lagi ada kat belakang rumah semua tu. Tapi tak sempat ambik gambar. Sebab tangan penuh pun satu hal. Mana nak pegang pisau lagi, mana nak tolong pegangkan pucuk betik mak lagi, dua tangan tak cukup. Haha. Kena prepare plastik siap2. Terus siap bungkus fresh dari kebun. So balik rumah boleh berlenggang kangkung tapi tangan penuh plastik.

Dan muka dengan bakul pun takda beza. Sekian.

So korang, cubalah berkebun mana rumah ada tanah tu. Kalau takda tanah, buat macam aku. Balik kampung dan kacau tanah orang. Haha.

Enjoy your holiday :)

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Zoo Johor


Hello guys. Happy Chinese New Year! Have fun and may this year full of blessings and happiness to all of us. More love and lets just spread the positive vibes even more. We need it guys.

And I'm here enjoying my holidays. A 5-day holidays after sooo long. Why we got no long leave anymore just like school? Why? Don't you think we need a break too? We can be more productive after break, don't you think? Oh actually I don't think so. Haha.

Ok. To fill my holidays and turns it into a productive holiday (instead of just lying on the bed the whole day like a whale Zzz), I'm here writing a new post! Yeay!

It's about my trip to Zoo Johor (sounds like a school trip, isn't it?).

Last time when I went to zoo is I think around 2 or 3 years back. With my family and it's Zoo Melaka. This is my very first time at Zoo Johor. Even I'm Johorean, but this is the first! More to explore in my own state I think. In the future. *sigh*

My partner for the trip is tadaaaa...

And here I'm the teacher and he's the student who joined the trip. Haha. If you say that I'm noob to be on my first time in Zoo Johor, he's even noob-er (ape tu?) Haha. Dia first time pergi zoo okay. That's why I'm the teacher now. To show and explain to him, this is elephant, this is monkey, and all that stuffs. Haha.

At Zoo Johor, there's no specific car park. So the visitors parked their cars on the roadside. Then kena saman. Haha. But there's masjid in front of the zoo with a large parking space. So you guys can just park your car there, and take some walking-and-talking session with your partners, or family, or friends or whoever, before arrive at Zoo Johor. Haha. Maybe that is the purpose of making a large parking space at the masjid. I'm not sure.

The ticket price is only RM4.00 for adults. So, we only have to paid RM8.00 for both.

The time you enter the zoo, there will be their staffs asked you to snap some photos. Just doing some action smile and then move. They will show you the photos when you got back later.

So the first we saw there was...


Beautiful peacock. Tapi dia tak bukak dia punya sayap tu. Eh sayap ke. Haha. Tak sure apa. While looking at this, I kept asking Faiz "Kenapa dia tutup sayap dia? Bukak lahhh.  Kenapa dia tak kembangkan tu yang belakang tu? Baru cantik" And he definitey can't answer me. Hmmm. Oh lupa, I'm the one who explain to him why and how and what everything. Not him. Ok

What's that? OMG

Faiz paling geli dengan ular ni. I can tell from his reaction. One step back everytime we saw snakes. Haha. Sumpah aku gelakkan aje dia tapi macam tak baik kan. What if he laugh at me when he see my reaction whenever I see ulat. Eeeee paling tak boleh blah ok ulat. Imagining he'll laugh at me stopped me to do the same this time. Tapi lepas tu sambung balik gelak sebab aku tau dia mesti geli jugak dengan ulat. Semua binatang kecik2 dia geli kot. So dia tak boleh nak gelakkan aku lah kan. So continue laughing. Hahahaha.

Takda yang menarik. Ok next.


And next..

Aaaaa yang ni paling excited. First time nampak depan mata. Waktu ni ngam2 kitorang lalu dia baru keluar. Timing baikkk. Haha. It's so cool ok. Exactly macam dalam tv. We were both chose this hyppo as the best animal we saw during our trip. Haha. It's just a random question from me after we just got back from zoo, "Best tak? Apa binatang paling excited sekali bila nampak?" And he answered without hesitate "Badak". Same goes to me. The different is that I took quite a time to think and decide which one is the best but still hyppo is winning in my heart. Haha. I just take a deep thinking lah, karang main pilih je kecik hati pulak yang lain. I have to prepare a strong argument before deciding. Just to be fair. Haha.

Melawat kawan ke bang?

Burung apa entah?

Had a breakfast?

Ada satu kawasan area depan ni, lebih luas and open. Takda sangkar or apa2. Just an open area like the picture above. Ada banyak binatang kat sini. Kerbau. Kancil. Rusa. Burung unta. Walaupun berbeza jenis, mereka hidup aman damai dan saling menghormati. Haha.

Stay there enjoyed the view. View of that deer berebut makanan. Haha. At first we thought tak boleh lalu jalan ni. Sebab macam takda orang. Tapi main jalan jela dengan yakin. Then baru ada beberapa orang lain follow jugak. Such a follower. Huh. :P

Ada jugak jual sayur2 macam tu untuk sesiapa yang berminat bagi makan kat binatang ni. Tapi kitorang tak berminat. Sorry. Kitorang lagi berminat untuk bagi makan kat diri sendiri. Haha. 

Hye Faiz *lambai tangan*
Eh tapi snake got no hands

Another interesting part is here.


This came is ultimate competitor to the hyppo. Haha. Both so charming. And I was so excited saw them. I don't know. Actually most of the time I got excited. Except for those familiar one like burung lah, bangau lah apa semua tu. Sampai kan Faiz noticed it! OMG is that so obvious? Haha. Bila aku cepat2 je nak jalan tempat lain tu dia tau lah tu tak excited sangat. Siap tanya "Eh yang ni tak menarik ke?" Bila aku tanya kenapa dia kata takda bebel2 yang excited macam sebelum ni. LOL

yes you see that camel so cute

Bangun lah woi!

Another cute creature. Nicely landing huh. Tak layan orang punya ni. Buat hal sendiri lagi baik. Haha.


I should be excited when I saw lion. But instead I felt nothing. Haha. Maybe if the lion is the one with a lot of hair around the neck just like we always see in the tv or books, I get to be more excited. Faiz told me the one with a lot of hair around the neck is the female, while this one is male. And I gave him a long Ohhhhhhh. Haha. He so clever. Kata first time datang zoo. Hehe.

Rilex nya itu budakkkk. I want to gigit and cubit you. Haha. Dia cool gilaaaa. Dia tau orang tengok dia kan, then dia duduk kat situ macam chill je. Eksyen pun ada rasanya. Haha.

You see? You see?

Only a few pictures we got. There're also elephant, more snakes, more birds, more lions, and more animals. Just before we decided to go back, the lions make some noise. Tak tahu gaduh ke marah ke lapar, semua berlawan2 bising. So ramai orang berkumpul kat tempat singa tu, termasuk lah kami. Haha. Adakah sepatutnya kitorang jangan masuk campur hal singa2 tu? Atau kitorang sepatutnya berasa lebih takut sebab dia dah bising mungkin dia akan jadi lebih menakutkan? Tapi nampaknya semua tak macam tu. Semua sibuk nak tengok singa2 tu. Haha. Tapi bila kitorang sampai tetibe je singa tu semua diam. Hek eleh. Lari laju dah tadi ingat apa lah. Ni takda apa. Balik lah wei, balikkk.

So, we had so much fun at the zoo. But it might be more fun when you bring your kids because they will ask more and questioning everything. Yes everything. I saw that one father following his son to here and there. And his son got so many questions. I hope the father won't give a silly answer. Just like what I did most of the time. Haha.

So for those who near to JB, but never come to Zoo Johor, just try to go whenever you feel like going ok. No rush. Haha. You can get some relaxing time because it's nice there. Quite small compare to Zoo Melaka I've been before. But still good for an exploration.

Give it a try ok!

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Annual dinner 2016


Got nothing special to share but got a feel to write. And after thinking so long, so why not share about my company's annual dinner.

It's on last 7 January 2017. Held at Grand Paragon Hotel, JB. Dekat je. To be precise, depan office je. Dekat dengan office lah, dengan rumah aku, jauhhh. Haha.

No theme. Everyone can freely choose their outfit. And I chose to mix and match. Eleh biasalah kan. Annual dinner setahun sekali (dah nama pun annual cik adik), malas ah nak beli baju baru ke apa. Dalam pada malas tu sebenarnya dok usah jugak baju. Nasib baik lah baju yang diminati takda saiz dah, so anggap tu petunjuk untuk jimat. Haha.

Here we go. Palazo dah repeat 694 kali. Muahaha. Baju dah pakai pergi kenduri, dah pakai masa raya, dan lain2 occasion jugak. Muahaha lagi. Kasut dari 3 tahun lepas. Dan tudung jela yang baru. Aci lah nampaklah lain sikit. Tak semua repeat. Haha.

The annual dinner started at 7.30 pm someting if I'm not mistaken, but everyone should arrived at 6.30 pm. Don't know for what purpose. Haha. Maybe untuk bagi masa for those interested in taking picture outside the hall. Because this year we got so-called photobooth. So everyone can enjoy taking the picture first before the dinner start. I guess.

So, I also took the opportunity to take some pictures lah of course. The company already paid so much for that photobooth. So why not. We cannot membazir you know. Fully utilized please. LOL.

First : With Madam Leong

Second : With all Malay staffs in the company

Third : With my close friends

Forth : With all tax team members

And here all the pictures

Actually the third one is for a game. We got to do some reaction according to the instruction given. And that one is actually showing our "surprise face". I absolutely so surprise right? Haha. And we didn't win for it. Never mind. We had fun.

Ok next talking about the foods.

The foods were soooo nice. I can still terliur remembering the roasted duck. Ohh My God it was super delicious I tell you. Last annual dinner, we also got duck in the menu and it was my first time tasted it. But that time, the duck unable to get my attention. Haha. Just taste like a chicken but not really. Cannot describe it. Haha. But this time, the duck was so yummy. Crispy outside, but so moist inside. Then, cukup rasa semua lah. Sumpah sedap. Ha tengok punya sedap, cerita pasal itik pun satu perenggan. Haha.

And then udang tu sedap, ikan tu pun sedap, eh ala semua sedap lah. My stomach got a nice treatment that night. Haha. Eh tapi ada satu menu which is oyster. First time rasa dan mampu telan separuh je. Ingatkan sedap. Tapi macam apa entah. Mungkin cara masak ke apa tak kena tekak kot.

Menu of the night
10 persons in one table. And our table is like this.

It's full house. Haha. But half of them more enjoy taking the picture instead of eating. And I'm on the other half who enjoy my food. Haha. Makan lah nama pun annual dinner. :P

This is from company's camera. All the members from our table with our Ms Wang. :)

Dari meja ni, I'm the only one from tax department. The others are from secretary (mostly), audit and finance department. So let me introduce my team member as well.

Tax team

One of our member cannot make it that night. It's Elaine. She's unwell and cannot attend the annual dinner. So only 7 of us here. But during I write this post, it's actually plus 2 more person which are our new trainees. So far we got 10 team members plus Mr Chai, the manager.

And the rest of the night is all about to keep the memories. Taking photos here and there. Haha.
Ms Ho and I

Ms Ho is one of the closest friend I got in the company. Same age, 25 years old this year. Uhuk. She's still single but I'm not. Haha. She's sooo pretty. First time I saw her, I kept on telling myself that she's so pretty and I got goosebumps everytime I talked to her. Haha. But she's so nice too. Helped me a lot. And we also gossip a lot. Heh heh heh.

Mr Chai and I

Mr Chai is my manager. He's the one who always give support and sharing a good things to motivate his staffs. He always shared about his children which I can tell from that, he's a good father too. He used to visit me when I got accident last time. It's totally unpredictable since my house is far from the office. And I didn't expect anyone to visit me but he did. Just to share it all the good things he did to me, so later, I can thank him and always remember his goodness. Thank you Mr Chai! 

Madam Leong and I

Madam Leong is one of the most senior in the company. She started work since our manager is still young, I think still studying. She's also so nice to me. Whenever she got foods or anything, she will bring it for me. i got angpow, calendar for new year, kad raya and other little things but still, I appreciate all of it. Thanks for being our mom in the company, Madam Leong. :')

Madam Leong, LC and I

Talking about seniors, here we got another super duper senior. Already 30 years plus served in the company, it's LC. Respect her.

Nyuk Fun and I

Yang paling suka cari pasal with me, everytime! But still I love her so much! Whenever I got a call from intercom 108, none other than her, Ms Thien. Bebel2 sampai pecah telinga. Semua dia cerita. Haha. I love you Nyuk Fun.

Lulu and I

Lulu is the one who always accompanying me to get back home. Because she got married with a guy from Kulai. Haha. Still remember the first time she ask for a ride, she told about his husband first. "Now I just got married, so my husband can fetch me up everyday. But later after a month, I need someone to bring me back to Kulai. It's always like that. Only those who already get married know that situations." LOL. But Lulu, thanks also for keep me happy all the way to Kulai when you're around.

Cythia and I

Cynthia is actually our ex-staff from TU department. But now she's one of the consultant to our company. She will come every Monday, once a week only. To help and teach us in anything related to account, but mostly on GST. She's an expert in that area.

Hui Hui and I

My neighbour. Haha. She placed next to me. A clever girl and cute girl as well. Always layan my dumb joke whenever we stress. Haha.

Xin Yi and I

Another jiran. She's younger than me. She's cute and quite naughty. Haha. Keep calling me as "Are In" instead of Ain. Huh. 

Ok enough for the picture and explanation. Haha.

And the last but not least, the whole team. And your job is to find me. Haha.

T J Wang Group

Thanks everyone :) May the new year bring us more happiness and more blessings. Good to know each one of you.


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